R & J Gingell Littlejohn
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Next Auction commencing

Tuesday 4th February 2025
at 2:30pm and following 2 days.


Viewing Dates & Times:
Friday 31st January from 9.00-5.00pm
Saturday 1st February from 9.30-12.30 and from 2.30-6.00pm
Sunday 2nd February from 9.30-12.30pm
Monday 3rd February from 9.00-6.00pm
and mornings of days of sale from 9.00 to noon.

AT: Auction Rooms, 46, High Street, Sliema.


De Vilhena Pair Maltese Silver Candlesticks





Maltese Silver de Rohan Balsaminas Bodkin Cases Perellos Pilgrim Flask


Maltese 17ct Gold Scent Bottle Despuig Period 1740

Maltese Silver Sugar Basin Pinto

Maltese Silver Tankard De Vilhena 1731



Maltese Silver Sugar Basin Pinto Period

Swiss Silver Coffee Pot 1736

Pair English Hall Marked Candlesticks

Silver Tankard London 1786

Silver Coffee Pot London 1759

Pair Silver Jugs London 1866

Silver Sauce Boat London 1963

A Fine Maltese Silver Coffee Pot Vilhena Period

Pair Maltese Silver Candlesticks Paolo Pace 1860

Large Antique Italian Silver Oil Lamp

Maltese Silver Coffee Pot Michele Calleja 1849

Maltese Silver Perellos Period Pilgrims Flask

Maltese Silver Coffee Pot De Rohan Period

Maltese Silver Sugar Basin Castagna 1855

A Rare Maltese Silver Oval Tray Martin De Redin 1657-1660

Maltese Silver Sugar Basin 1859

Maltese Silver Coffee Pot Maitland 1835

Giovanni Tortell Maltese Silver Sottocoppa

Maltese Silver Sugar Basin Oakes Period

Maltese Silver Coffee Pot Oakes Period

Pair Antique Italian Silver Candlesticks

French Silver Coffee Pot c1830

Maltese Silver Sugar Basin Ball Period 1805

Maltese Silver Coffee Pot 1845


Silver Tea & Coffee Set Newcastle 1849


Maltese Silver Coffee Pot 1854

Maltese Silver Coffee Pot Maitland 1835

Large Silver Kettle on Stand London 1843

Antique Maiolica Alberello

19thC. Maiolica Drug Jar

18thC. Maiolica Blue Albarello

E.Barthet Oil Painting Flowers

E.Barthet Oil Painting Signed Dated 1950

Small 19thC. Oval Oil Our Lady of Sorrows


C.Brocktorff Watercolour Grand Harbour Of Malta

G.Arcidiacono Oil Still Life 1980 160 X 80cm

C.Brocktorff Watercolour Governors Palace

L.M.Galea Oil Painting Malta Harbour Scene 1907

Candido Giglio Oil Painting Spinola

L.M.Galea Oil Painting Malta Harbour Scene 58 X 26cm

19thC. Oil Painting The Adoration of The Magi

Italian Oil Painting Young Boy

Antique Oil Painting Figures In an Interior

Folder of 12 Plates Engraved by Brocktorff 1839

Oil Painting Lady Resting

Coronelli Maltese Map 1689

19thC. Icon in Gilded Frame

Victor Goulard 1848-1922 Oil on Panel

Biblical Subject

Set of 4 Engravings by Jos.Goupy 1760


Left - Large 18thC. The Immaculate Conception with Angels 145X180cm

Right - Large 18thC. Oil Madonna of The Rosary and St Francis 125X175cm


18thC. Oil Painting Pastoral Scene

Large Early 19thC. Oil Painting Harbour Scene

Scicluna 1977 Oil Palette View of Mdina

Antique Icon

Giuseppe Briffa Pen and Ink La Pieta

Rembrandt Etching 1635

18th Marble Plaque (Stele)

17thC. Oil Saint Paul in Malta

Pasmore Screenprint in Colours 1988

18thC. Oil Painting Biblical Subject

Lithograph Mosta Church by Brocktorff


Italian Oil Painting Women Drinking

Pair Victorian Cranberry Glass Lustres


Chereau Plan of Malta 1750

18thC Maiolica Bocca

Large Pair of Bronze Statues

Antique Bronze Water Fountain

Bronze Group of Figures

Organello Mechanical Organ

18thC. Bust of The Virgin Mary


Large 18thC. Wood Sculptured Golden Eagle


19thC Maltese Olivewood Drum Table

Boulle Ink Stand

Antique Full Size Coat of Armour

Pair Antique Maiolica Stands

Marble Statue of a Female Nude

Antique Female Venetian Blackamoor

19thC. Red Boulle Bracket Clock

Antique Venetian Blackamoor

Small Antique Inlaid Walnut Commode

Antique Mahogany Card Table

Inlaid Walnut Bombe Chest of Drawers

Antique Italian Walnut Sorrento Table

William IV Mahogany Dining Table

18thC. Walnut Collectors Cabinet on Barley Twist Stand

Set of 6 Silver Plates London 1807

19thC. Maltese Olivewood Drum Table on Tulip Columns


Set of 6 Silver Plates London 1853



Antique Maltese Serpentine Front Chest of Drawers


Antique Mahogany Sideboard

Large Victorian Ebonised 4 Door Credenza

Victorian Ebonised Bonheur Du Jour

18thC. Maltese Chestnut Coffer

Maltese Sacristy Chest of 4 Drawers

Antique Ebonised Jardiniere

Walnut Framed 3 Piece Bergere Suite

Antique Mahogany Chest

Antique Mahogany Chest of Drawers

Antique MahoganyChest of Drawers with Marble top


Large Antique Mahogany Half Bolt Cabinet


Antique Mahogany Pedestal Sideboard



Carved Oak Hall Settle

Auction Rooms: 46, High Street, Sliema SLM 1547
Tel: 21334353 • Fax: 21317621 • Mobile: 9947 2469, 9944 6727
email: rjgingelllittlejohn@gmail.com
Copyright © 2008 - Raymond & Joseph Gingell Littlejohn Auctioneers