De Vilhena Pair Maltese Silver Candlesticks

Maltese Silver de Rohan Balsaminas Bodkin Cases Perellos Pilgrim Flask

Maltese 17ct Gold Scent Bottle Despuig Period 1740 |

Maltese Silver Sugar Basin Pinto |

Maltese Silver Tankard De Vilhena 1731

Maltese Silver Sugar Basin Pinto Period |

Swiss Silver Coffee Pot 1736 |

Pair English Hall Marked Candlesticks |

Silver Tankard London 1786 |

Silver Coffee Pot London 1759 |

Pair Silver Jugs London 1866 |

Silver Sauce Boat London 1963 |

A Fine Maltese Silver Coffee Pot Vilhena Period |

Pair Maltese Silver Candlesticks Paolo Pace 1860 |

Large Antique Italian Silver Oil Lamp |

Maltese Silver Coffee Pot Michele Calleja 1849 |

Maltese Silver Perellos Period Pilgrims Flask |

Maltese Silver Coffee Pot De Rohan Period |

Maltese Silver Sugar Basin Castagna 1855 |

A Rare Maltese Silver Oval Tray Martin De Redin 1657-1660 |

Maltese Silver Sugar Basin 1859 |

Maltese Silver Coffee Pot Maitland 1835 |

Giovanni Tortell Maltese Silver Sottocoppa |

Maltese Silver Sugar Basin Oakes Period |

Maltese Silver Coffee Pot Oakes Period |

Pair Antique Italian Silver Candlesticks |

French Silver Coffee Pot c1830 |

Maltese Silver Sugar Basin Ball Period 1805 |

Maltese Silver Coffee Pot 1845 |

Silver Tea & Coffee Set Newcastle 1849

Maltese Silver Coffee Pot 1854 |

Maltese Silver Coffee Pot Maitland 1835 |

Large Silver Kettle on Stand London 1843 |

Antique Maiolica Alberello |

19thC. Maiolica Drug Jar |

18thC. Maiolica Blue Albarello |

E.Barthet Oil Painting Flowers |

E.Barthet Oil Painting Signed Dated 1950 |

Small 19thC. Oval Oil Our Lady of Sorrows

C.Brocktorff Watercolour Grand Harbour Of Malta |

G.Arcidiacono Oil Still Life 1980 160 X 80cm |

C.Brocktorff Watercolour Governors Palace |

L.M.Galea Oil Painting Malta Harbour Scene 1907 |

Candido Giglio Oil Painting Spinola |

L.M.Galea Oil Painting Malta Harbour Scene 58 X 26cm |

19thC. Oil Painting The Adoration of The Magi |

Italian Oil Painting Young Boy |

Antique Oil Painting Figures In an Interior |

Folder of 12 Plates Engraved by Brocktorff 1839 |

Oil Painting Lady Resting |

Coronelli Maltese Map 1689 |

19thC. Icon in Gilded Frame |

Victor Goulard 1848-1922 Oil on Panel |

Biblical Subject |

Set of 4 Engravings by Jos.Goupy 1760 |
Left - Large 18thC. The Immaculate Conception with Angels 145X180cm
Right - Large 18thC. Oil Madonna of The Rosary and St Francis 125X175cm

18thC. Oil Painting Pastoral Scene |

Large Early 19thC. Oil Painting Harbour Scene |

Scicluna 1977 Oil Palette View of Mdina |

Antique Icon |

Giuseppe Briffa Pen and Ink La Pieta |

Rembrandt Etching 1635 |

18th Marble Plaque (Stele) |

17thC. Oil Saint Paul in Malta |

Pasmore Screenprint in Colours 1988 |

18thC. Oil Painting Biblical Subject |

Lithograph Mosta Church by Brocktorff |

Brocktorff |

Italian Oil Painting Women Drinking |

Pair Victorian Cranberry Glass Lustres

Chereau Plan of Malta 1750 |

18thC Maiolica Bocca |

Large Pair of Bronze Statues |

Antique Bronze Water Fountain |

Bronze Group of Figures |

Organello Mechanical Organ |

18thC. Bust of The Virgin Mary |

Large 18thC. Wood Sculptured Golden Eagle

19thC Maltese Olivewood Drum Table |

Boulle Ink Stand |

Antique Full Size Coat of Armour |

Pair Antique Maiolica Stands |

Marble Statue of a Female Nude |

Antique Female Venetian Blackamoor |

19thC. Red Boulle Bracket Clock |

Antique Venetian Blackamoor |

Small Antique Inlaid Walnut Commode |

Antique Mahogany Card Table |

Inlaid Walnut Bombe Chest of Drawers |

Antique Italian Walnut Sorrento Table |

William IV Mahogany Dining Table |

18thC. Walnut Collectors Cabinet on Barley Twist Stand |

Set of 6 Silver Plates London 1807 |

19thC. Maltese Olivewood Drum Table on Tulip Columns

Set of 6 Silver Plates London 1853 |
Antique Maltese Serpentine Front Chest of Drawers

Antique Mahogany Sideboard |

Large Victorian Ebonised 4 Door Credenza |

Victorian Ebonised Bonheur Du Jour |

18thC. Maltese Chestnut Coffer |

Maltese Sacristy Chest of 4 Drawers |

Antique Ebonised Jardiniere |

Walnut Framed 3 Piece Bergere Suite |

Antique Mahogany Chest |

Antique Mahogany Chest of Drawers |

Antique MahoganyChest of Drawers with Marble top |

Large Antique Mahogany Half Bolt Cabinet

Antique Mahogany Pedestal Sideboard

Carved Oak Hall Settle |