E.Barthet Oil Harbour Scene |

Pair L.M.Galea Oil Paintings Night & Day Harbour Scenes |

800 Silver Chocolate Pot |

Silver Plated Oil Lamp |

Emvin Cremona Ink and Wash |

English Silver Wine Ewer |

Silver Fruit Centrepiece |

Silver fruit Comport |

P.Carbonaro Oil Rosso su Nero |

P.Carbonaro Oil Painting Mdina Street Scene |

P.Carbonaro Oil Painting |

Late 17thC. Oil Painting Hagar and The Angel |

Portrait of a Knight with Maltese Cross 1788

Large 19thC. Oil Extensive Scene with Figures |

Small Antique Pair of Oils Maltese Luzzu |

19thC. Watercolour Sgnd G.D'Esposto 1899 |

Pair Antique Oil Paintings Still Life of Fruit |

Large Oil Painting Flowers by Frank Borg |

Pair Oval Paintings by Frank Borg |

Large Antique Ebony Frame |

A Fine G.Pullicino Oil Painting from Ras Hanzir |

18thC. Oil Battle Scene |

18thC. Oil Painting Pastoral Scene |

19thC. Oil Painting Flowers |

Large 19thC. Oil Painting Extensive View with Castle 150X225cm

Alfred de Breanski Oil Painting Lake Scene with Cottage |

19thC. English Sch. Portrait of a Gentleman in Armour |

19thC. English Sch. Portrait of a Gentleman |

Antique Engraving in Large Ebony Decorative Frame |

Small Pair of 18thC. Oil Paintings

Oil Painting by A.Micallef Grimaud 73 |

Pair Small Oil paintings by Frank Borg

Giacomo de Rossi Maltese Map 1686 |

Pair Venetian Glass Mirrors |

Victorian Boulle Tea Caddy |

Antique Wall Clock in Gilded Case |

Large 19thC. Maiolica Charger |

Rabel-Briot Rare Plan of Malta Ports |

Antique Richly Carved Frame with Mirror

19thC. Maiolica Charger |

Maltese Red & Gilt Wall Clock

Pair Antique Mahogany Inlay Knife Boxes |

Pair 18thC. Oils Still Life of Flowers

Antique Pottery Urn |

Pair 19thC. Oil Paintings Flowers |
18thC. Venetian Bureau Bookcase in Walnut and Concave Sides |
17thC. Maltese Chest of DrawersDecorated with Lacework and Birds of Paradise

17thC. Antwerp Cabinet on Stand


Regency Mahogany Work Table with Flaps |

Pair Antique Maltese Green & Gilt Corners |

Red & Gilt Maltese Wall Clock |

Early 19thC. Maltese Drum Table |

Antique Brass 16 Light Chandelier |

Set of 6 Chippendale Style Mahogany Chairs |

Pair Victorian Ebonised Cabinets |

Oak Bureau Bookcase |

19thC. Maltese Serpentine Front Chest of Drawers |

Italian Embossed Silver Font with Crucifix |

19thC. Regency Mahogany Sofa Table |

2 Antique Carved Gilded Round Tables |

Set of 6 Maltese Mahogany Framed Chairs |

Small Antique Mahogany Table |

19thC. Maltese Chest of 3 Drawers |

Large William IV Mahogany Dining Table with Flap |

Walnut Framed 3 Piece Bergere Suite |

Set of Six 18thC. Maltese Walnut Armchairs with Matching Sofa